Don’t Have a Loxx Boxx?? 
Then How Do You Protect Your Packages?

Package Theft has become a $30 Billion problem in the US.  Over 260 million packages are stolen every year in the US, impacting 1 in 5 households.   Criminals are getting more brazen in some instances following drivers and stealing packages before the driver even gets back to the truck.  They know that there is little chance of prosecution and home security cameras offer no REAL protection. 

Loxx Boxx has developed a package protection solution that not only stops the theft, but also guarantees results and it is affordable for almost every family in the US.  

The solution includes the largest anchored steel box on the market and solar panel that allows you place your Loxx Boxx virtually anywhere around your property.  The solution includes a market leading access control system that is compatible with every carrier, controlled by our proprietary app.   The Solution includes 24/7 Boxx monitoring and our Safe Receipt guarantee.   All of this can be purchased over 36 months with 0% interest, starting at $13.99 per month, less than $0.50 per day. 

If you choose to purchase the box, solar panel and first year of service up front, the cost drops to less than $1 per week.  $1 per week to protect thousands of dollars of purchases every year.  With the average household receiving 3-4 packages per week, the cost of package protection is less than $0.25-$0.33 per package. 

What are you waiting for?  Don’t wait to become the next victim.  

Lock it up with Loxx Boxx!

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